CP5 at Six: ‘Ready to Find our Tribe’
Our company’s journey to date, and what we might expect from storytelling in…
It’s Not Rocket Science: The Rewards and Risks of Creativity
The benefits of creativity are many and easy to understand, while the perils…
Old Made New: Reimagining Good Governance
Governance can be exciting, both during the creation of a company-wide…
Here’s to the Crazy Ones: Untold Stories that Built Apple
Inspiration can be taken from lesser-known anecdotes, which helped create the…
Good health as a team sport
A number of skilled professionals are entering the health space, eager to make…
Sustainability in the Year of the Tiger: 13 Urgent Actions
Greenwashing, overcomplexity and universal buy-in are this year's pressing…
Brand Storytelling: 22 Trends that Matter this Year
From climate action, to data-driven stories, Zoom fatigue and more, the trends…
How a Single Story can Make Every Bit of Difference to the World
The best stories connect the struggle and the strength of one person to…
Carbon Collaboration: Why We Need a Global Vision and Narrative
Teamwork, planning and great storytelling key in driving today’s climate action…
Why Football Won’t Be Coming Home Soon
Despite the team’s success at Euro 2020, English football has much to fix if it…
Editorial Learnings from an Aspiring Musician
The synergies between musicians and journalists are far stronger than many…
Need to Boost Sales? Start Boosting Your Leadership Voice
CP5 takes a close look at five ways that brand storytelling can help you to…
Anatomy of a Brand Story — Airbnb
We keep hearing that the best brands tell the best stories, so what do the…
Today’s Stories Prepare Us for the Next Crisis. We Have a Duty to Tell Them
Businesses have inspiring stories to share, yet relatively few are currently…
How to Unleash Your Own Story
Telling a better story is a challenge for all of us, and in business it can be…
From Services to Solutions: The Future of Brand Storytelling
CP5's Managing Director discusses his journey to date, and expectations for the…
Resetting Reality: How to Lead Towards a Silver Lining
The demands of leading staff and your brand narrative beyond conflict…
Please Feed the Bear: How the Global Financial Crisis Charts a Story for Today
The banking industry emerged from an angry bear market to regain customer trust…
What Will the Covid Business Recovery Look Like? Look to Travel and Learn
Other business sectors can learn from the sector's recovery during SARS
Reject Legacy Thinking: It’s Time for the Independents
An interview with CP5's Chief Executive Luke Clark on content, heroes and the…
Unleashed and Recovery-Ready. Luke Clark Joins CP5 as Chief Executive
Clark joins the company to form a leadership team with deep roots in Asia
Where’s the Party? Driving B2B Sales in an Online-only World
Novel content solutions are revolutionising how brands engage with customers
Book Review: John Bolton’s The Room Where It Happened
The author's people management skills and decision-making star as President…
Webinars: Common Errors and Misunderstandings
Webinars are a viable alternative, but typically brands underestimate the…
5 Learnings From the COVID-19 Lockdown
The pandemic caught businesses by surprise, exposing acute weaknesses. Some…
Full-time Remote Working: The Business Case
Flexible working for agency and in-house staff is proving highly effective,…
Smart Cities are Only as Smart as Those Who Live in Them
Civic authorities are constantly challenged by the spread of misinformation —…
Content Marketing in 2020: 6 Game-changing Trends
Scenarios and developments that will shape the content marketing industry over…
‘You do What?’ Brand Journalism 101
What is brand journalism, and how does it benefit businesses in ways that…
The Case for ‘Content-First’ Leadership
Content teams, in-house and agency, must stop the proverbial tail wagging the…