
Brand Stories and Byliners

Your challenge: “We are unable to get web visitors to submit their details, so that we can further engage with them.”

CP5’s solution: ‘Brand Stories and Byliners’ — a programme that attracts customers to your brand, and encourages them to engage with company executives.

High quality content which reflects brand goals and integrates real-life customer insights can prove extremely effective to generating new leads, and starting meaningful brand conversations. Yet typically, producing such reports is costly and time-consuming — not to mention taxing on your already tired team. Furthermore, how do you create something with enough rich content to provoke a lead-gen response?

Ultimately, brands need leads — a fact that’s particularly acute at the moment, with in-person meeting time limited. Meeting a need to inspire and engage your customers, we’ve lunched our Lead Generation Features programme, a series that:

  • Attracts motivated customers to your brand
  • Integrated peer industry insights in a compelling format
  • Delivers stories that address real-time challenges, presenting your company as a partner to solving these
  • Uses a variety of novel content formats and channels to boost interest
  • Is cost-effective and original

Our world-class team of journalists, designers, videographers and researchers will create urgent content that cuts through the noise, meeting the business needs of target readers and viewers.

To discover how this will work for your brand and what it entails, talk to us.